Bug #217
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Hi all,
When trying to run P3MediaServer in the subtle wm I'm presented with a blank window and nothing else. On other window managers PS3MediaServer works fine. Also, Jdownloader, another java-based app, works fine under subtle.
PS3MediaServer is available under Arch's AUR in both stable and svn releases. Both of these versions have the same issue under subtle.
Updated by Christoph Kappel almost 14 years ago
- Category set to Bugfix
- Status changed from Unconfirmed to Not a bug
- Assignee set to Non member users
- Target version set to Nu
Please check this FAQ entry: http://subforge.org/ezfaq/show/subtle?faq_id=14
Enabling the :wmname option fixes that for me, but it is dependent on the java version. (JRE here)
This is in fact not a bug of subtle and I refuse to add stuff subtle doesn't need and that isn't required by any spec.