




Assorted tidbits and projects

Install » History » Version 64

Version 63 (Philipp Seiler, 01/09/2012 10:47 AM) → Version 64/65 (Philipp Seiler, 01/09/2012 10:49 AM)

h1. Install\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012h2. Dependencies\015\012\015\012[[subtle]] has the following dependencies:\015\012\015\012# "Ruby": (>=1.9)\015\012# "Rake": (>=0.8)\015\012# "X11": (>=6.8.2)\015\012\015\012And the following optional "gem": dependencies for [[sur]]:\015\012\015\012# "archive-tar-minitar": (>=0.5.2)\015\012# "datamapper": (>=0.9.11) ([[surserver]] only)\015\012# "sinatra": (>=0.9.4) ([[surserver]] only)\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Versions\015\012\015\012If you are using one of the [[install#distributions|supported distributions]], you can follow the appropriate installation instructions below to install the stable version of [[subtle]] _or_ you can choose to follow the directions at the end of the page to [[Install#Installing-development-version|install the latest _development_ version]].\015\012\015\012* *Stable releases* are available on this site's "file download page":\015\012* *Development versions* can be found in [[subtle]]'s "Mercurial": respository. This repo is available for read-only hg access at and is browseable on the web "here":\015\012\015\012\015\012h2. Distributions\015\012\015\012h3. Archlinux\015\012\015\012Currently there are two different packages available:\015\012\015\012* "subtle": (current stable)\015\012* "subtle-hg": (developer snapshot)\015\012\015\012The stable version is in community and can be installed with "pacman":, the developer snapshot is in "AUR": and needs either a special tool like "yaourt":, "clyde": or "packer": or can be installed manually.\015\012\015\012h3. Debian\015\012\015\012There is a package in "unstable": and in "testing": for the stable version of [[subtle]], but if you prefer bleeding-edge you can compile [[subtle]] on your own:\015\012\015\012# Install the dependencies with *apt-get*: libx11-dev, rake1.9.1, ruby1.9.1, ruby1.9.1-dev, pkg-config\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo apt-get install libx11-dev rake1.9.1 ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev pkg-config</code></pre>\015\012# (Optional) Install optional dependencies for RandR, Xft, Xinerama, and Xpm with *apt-get*: libxrandr-dev, libxft-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxpm-dev\015\012 <pre><code>sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev libxpm-dev</code></pre>\015\012# Download either the latest stable package or clone the "Mercurial": repository\015\012# Change dir into the [[subtle]] folder (stable or latest) and issue rake: (rake1.9.1 for the latest version):\015\012yet\015\012 <pre><code>rake1.9</code></pre>\015\012\015\012 This should configure and get you ready for install\015\012# Issue the following command to install it:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo rake1.9.1 install</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h3. Exherbo\015\012\015\012Make sure to update "jedahan's repository":\015\012\015\012 cave resolve -x jedahan\015\012\015\012Then install subtle like so\015\012\015\012 cave resolve -x subtle\015\012\015\012h3. Gentoo\015\012\015\012There is a subtle overlay with "ebuilds" for the stable and devel version available, just add it with "layman": ("layman userguide":\015\012\015\012<pre><code>layman -a subforge</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h3. openSUSE\015\012\015\012There are rpm packages for [[subtle]] available in the "openSUSE Buildservice":\015\012\015\012Search for subtle in the opensuse build service But click on "Search Options" and activate "Search for Home Projects"\015\012At the moment there are builds for openSUSE11.4, openSUSE12.1 and openSUSE Tumbleweed.\015\012\015\012Simply add the repository via zypper to the package management. This example is for openSUSE 12.1\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo zypper ar --refresh home_seilerphilipp</code></pre>\015\012\015\012Refresh home:seilerphilipp</code></pre>\015\012\015\012Refresh and trust the repository (temporary)\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo zypper refresh</code></pre>\015\012\015\012Then install subtle and it's dependencies\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo zypper in subtle</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h3. subtle</code></pre>\015\012\015\012Thats only one way to install subtle. You can also do this with Yast or on the Buildservice Page with an "1-Click Installation"\015\012\015\012\015\012h3. Ubuntu\015\012\015\012There is a [[Install#Debian|Debian]] port of the latest stable in "universe":, but if you prefer bleeding-edge you can compile [[subtle]] on your own:\015\012\015\012_Tested on Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) and Natty (11.04)_\015\012\015\012Since a pre-compiled package for [[Install#Ubuntu|Ubuntu]] doesn't exist yet, you will need to compile [[subtle]] to get it up and running.\015\012\015\012# Install [[subtle]]'s dependencies (libx11-dev, ruby1.9.1, ruby1.9.1-dev, libruby1.9.1 and rake) using *apt-get*: \015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo apt-get install libx11-dev rake ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev libruby1.9.1</code></pre>\015\012# Download the latest archive from the "files page":, and extract its contents:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>\015\012 curl -O\015\012 tar xvf subtle-0.9.2773-mu.tbz2\015\012 </code></pre>\015\012 _Note that the current version number may differ from that shown in these example commands, so make sure you visit the "files section": to get the latest and greatest version/filename._\015\012# Now go in the newly created folder and run rake (rake1.9.1 to use the latest version), which will configure and prepare [[subtle]] for installation:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>\015\012 cd subtle-0.9.2773-mu/\015\012 rake1.9\015\012 </code></pre>\015\012# Issue the following command to install subtle:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo rake1.9.1 install</code></pre>\015\012# Add a [[subtle]] session to your xsessions:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/subtle.desktop</code></pre>\015\012\015\012 And add this:\015\012\015\012 <pre><code>\015\012 [Desktop Entry]\015\012 Encoding=UTF-8\015\012 Name=subtle\015\012 Comment=subtle tiling window manager\015\012 Exec=subtle\015\012 Type=XSession\015\012 </code></pre>\015\012# Finally, reboot and enjoy [[subtle]]!\015\012\015\012h5. Note for PulseAudio users\015\012\015\012If you are using "PulseAudio": and want to start [[subtle]] using just your *xinitrc*, you can get working audio by adding the following line to your .xinitrc file:\015\012\015\012<pre><code>exec ck-launch-session subtle</code></pre>\015\012\015\012h2. Install Development Version\015\012\015\012You can install the current development version of [[subtle]] by cloning and installing from the "Mercurial": "subtle repository":\015\012\015\012# <code>hg clone</code>\015\012# cd subtle\015\012# rake [options]\015\012# sudo rake install\015\012\015\012The installer will copy the files to following "XDG": default path: (see: rake help)\015\012\015\012| *Binaries* | _/usr/bin_ |\015\012| *Config* | _/etc/xdg/subtle_ |\015\012| *Extension* | _&#40;Ruby Dir&#41;/subtle_ |\015\012\015\012The paths can be easily changed (see: "rake": help) and are printed after configuring is done. \015\012\015\012{{warn(The buildsystem creates cache files to keep track of the settings and to speed up further builds. When you want to change compile options and/or the "Ruby": version, you must *must* delete the cache files before or otherwise the build may fail. This can be done with @rake clobber@.)}}\015\012\015\012h3. Debugging\015\012\015\012To enable debugging messages and levels, [[subtle]] must be compiled with debugging support. Since there is usually no debugging package available, it needs to be compiled manually:\015\012\015\012# hg clone\015\012# cd subtle\015\012# rake debug=yes\015\012# rake install\015\012\015\012[[subtle]] can be run directly from the source directory with no need to install it system-wide, just add it to e.g. your @~/.xinitrc@.\015\012