


Assorted tidbits and projects

Tagging » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Anonymous, 04/25/2009 09:46 PM) → Version 2/66 (Anonymous, 04/25/2009 10:28 PM)

h1. Tags\015\012\015\012[[Tags]] are used in [[Subtle|subtle]] to fulfill two main tasks: \015\012# Determine the visibility of a client determine which clients are visible on a certain view\015\012# Define some views and what startup properties [[Gravity|gravity]] and property a client should have.\015\012\015\012There are several ways to define and modify the [[Gravity|gravity]]\015\012\015\012 tags of clients/views:\015\012* Preset in the config\015\012* Modified with [[Subtler|subtler]] during runtime\015\012* Modified with [[Subtlext|subtlext]] in a script during runtime or via [[Grabs|grab]]