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Install » History » Version 36

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Anonymous, 09/23/2010 07:25 PM

Install\015\012\015\012h2. Dependencies\015\012\015\012subtle has the following dependencies:\015\012\015\012# Ruby (>=1.9)\015\012# Rake (>=0.8)\015\012# X11 (>=6.8.2)\015\012\015\012And following optional gems for sur:\015\012\015\012# curb (>= (sur only)\015\012# archive-tar-minitar (>=0.5.2)\015\012# datamapper (>=0.9.11) (surserver only)\015\012# sinatra (>=0.9.4) (surserver only)\015\012\015\012h2. Versions\015\012\015\012Stable releases can be found here. If you like you can clone the Mercurial repository and install the developer version as followed:\015\012\015\012# hg clone\015\012# cd subtle\015\012# rake [options]\015\012# rake install\015\012\015\012The installer will copy the files to following XDG default path: (see: rake help)\015\012\015\012| Binaries | /usr/bin |\015\012| Config | /etc/xdg/subtle |\015\012| Extension | (Ruby Dir)/subtle |\015\012| Scripts | /usr/share//subtle |\015\012\015\012\015\012The paths can be easily changed (see: rake help) and are printed after configuring is done. subtle will create cache files to keep track of the settings, whenever you need to change a path later you need to delete the old caches with rake clobber.\015\012\015\012h2. Config\015\012\015\012On start subtle will check if a config file is available in the typical XDG paths and use it. A local config is preferred over a system wide. (see: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) Then it will have a look for sublets in the XDG paths too and load them accordingly. (see $XDG_DATA_HOME)\015\012\015\012* To create a user config just create $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/subtle and copy the latest config from the dist folder into it.\015\012* To enable sublets create $XDG_DATA_HOME/subtle/sublets and create symlinks to the sublets. (Load order is alphabetically)\015\012\015\012_Always compare your existing config with the one of the repository/tarball to get the latest options and check the latest news._