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Specification » History » Version 3

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Anonymous, 01/02/2011 02:43 PM

Specification\015\012\015\012{{>toc}}\015\012\015\012In order to create a sublet, you need to create a specification which basically contains some information about your sublet. \015\012\015\012h2. Attributes\015\012\015\012Here is a list of known attributes:\015\012\015\012h3. name\015\012\015\012Name of the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\ = "Sublet"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. authors\015\012\015\012List of authors of the sublet in case there are more than one\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012  spec.authors = [ "You" ]\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. date\015\012\015\012Date of creation\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\ = "Sat Sep 13 19:00 CET 2008"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. contact\015\012\015\012Contact mail address\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\ = ""\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. description\015\012\015\012Short description of the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.description = "A shiny new sublet"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. notes\015\012\015\012Longer description of the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.notes = <<NOTES\015\012This sublet is just a dummy, have fun with it!\015\012NOTES\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. config\015\012\015\012Description of config settings\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.config = [\015\012  { :name => "format_string", :type => "string",  :description => "Format of the clock (man date)" },\015\012]\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. version\015\012\015\012Version of the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.version = "0.1"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. tags\015\012\015\012List of tags to categorize the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.tags = [ "Broken" ]\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. files\015\012\015\012List of files in the sublet\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.files = [ "sublet.rb" ]\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. icons\015\012\015\012List of supplied icons\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.icons = [ "icon.xbm" ]\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. required_version\015\012\015\012Required version of subtle\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.required_version = "0.9.10"\015\012
\015\012\015\012h3. add_dependency(name, version)\015\012\015\012Add a gem dependency\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012spec.add_dependency("a_gem", "0.0")\015\012
\015\012\015\012h2. Template\015\012\015\012If you use the template command sur will create an empty template with a spec file.\015\012\015\012+Example+:\015\012
\015\012# Dummy specification file\015\012# Created with sur-0.2.155\015\ do |s|\015\012             = "Dummy"\015\012  s.authors          = [ "Christoph Kappel" ]\015\012             = "Sat Sep 13 19:00 CET 2008"\015\012          = ""\015\012  s.description      = "Does nothing"\015\012  s.notes            = <<NOTES\015\012Some verbosive information about the sublet\015\012NOTES\015\012  s.config           = [\015\012    { :name => "something", :type => "string",  :description => "Configure something" }\015\012  ]\015\012  s.version          = "0.0"\015\012  s.tags             = [ "Dummy" ]\015\012  s.files            = [ "dummy.rb" ]\015\012  s.icons            = [ "icons/dummy.xbm" ]\015\012\015\012  # Requirements\015\012  s.required_version = "0.9.1883"\015\012  s.add_dependency("a_gem", "0.0")\015\012end\015\012