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Subtle » History » Version 35

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Anonymous, 12/09/2009 10:59 AM

What is subtle?\015\012\015\012subtle is a grid-based manual tiling window manager with a strong focus on easy but customizable look and feel. In comparison to other tiling windows managers, subtle has no automatic tiling of the screen size in any way, instead windows are arranged according to positions inside of a grid - these positions are called gravities.\015\012\015\012For better understanding of gravities, the layout of the grid is per default oriented on the numpad but can be changed in the config. That means that the 5 on the numpad is center, the 7 the upper left corner and so on. The gravity of a window can be changed with the :WindowGravity grab, which is Win+Numpad number.\015\012\015\012Views, virtual desktops in subtle, show only windows with matching tags. Both windows and views can be tagged either in the config or via subtler and subtlext. Tagging is mandatory, without a matching tag a window will never appear on a certain view.\015\012\015\012h2. Features\015\012\015\012* Builtin system tray\015\012* Flexible panel (see also sublets)\015\012* Customizeable key/mouse actions (see grabs)\015\012* Scriptable with Ruby (see rdoc, config, grabs, hooks sublets)\015\012* Window tagging\015\012* EWMH / ICCCM / XDG compliant\015\012* Xinerama / XRandr support\015\012\015\012h2. Where to start?\015\012\015\012To get started with subtle just follow the install instructions, have a look in the INSTALL file in the tarball or check if there is a package for your distribution. If no package is available and you want to supply one you are welcome.\015\012\015\012Next step after installing is configuring. Subtle follows the XDG specifications, therefore can the default system config be found in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/subtle or in /etc/xdg/subtle. If you prefer a user based config just copy the system config to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/subtle or to $HOME/.config/subtle.\015\012\015\012_If you update the config please check it with subtle -k first before starting subtle._\015\012\015\012Inside of subtle just press Win+Return to launch a xterm which usually starts at center gravity. To get used to the gravites try each with Win+Numpad number. \015\012\015\012_If you are on a notebook you need to change these grabs, a suggestion is to use following keys: q-w-e, a-s-d, y-x-c_ \015\012\015\012h2. Getting subtle\015\012\015\012The current stable version of subtle is 0.8.1602 and is available for download. If you prefer bleeding edge you can check out the latest version from the Mercurial repository or download the recent tip. hg clone\015\012\015\012_Keep in mind that the developer version in the repository is under heavily development and may or may not work._\015\012\015\012h2. Build packages\015\012\015\012Archlinux: subtle, subtle-hg (Thanks to vaxholm!)\015\012\015\012h2. Links\015\012\015\012Rubyforge, Freshmeat, Ohloh, Sourceforge Wiki":, Archlinux Forum. Contact\015\012\015\012If you have problems, suggestions or just want to talk about subtle feel free to join #subtle on, drop a mail to unexist at dorfelite dot net.