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Subtlext » History » Version 87

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Anonymous, 09/03/2009 11:56 PM

Subtlext\015\012\015\012Subtlext is an extension that brings the power of subtler to Ruby. \015\012\015\012A compending list of the classes with it's functionality can be found in rdoc and informations about the available unit tests in the development section.\015\012\015\012h2. Examples\015\012\015\012This time a more complex example to show what you can do with this extension:\015\012\015\012
\015\012require("subtle/subtlext")\015\012\015\012subtle =":2")\015\012\015\012puts "subtle %s on %s" % \015\012  [subtle.version, subtle.running? ? subtle.display : "none"]\015\012\015\012puts "Tags: %s" % [subtle.tags.join(", ")]\015\012\015\012# Views\015\012views = []\015\012subtle.views.each do |v|\015\012  views.push("%s (%s)" % [v.current? ? "[#{v}]" : v, v.tags.join(", ")])\015\012end\015\012puts "Views: %s" % [views.join(", ")]\015\012\015\012# Clients\015\012clients = []\015\012subtle.clients.each do |c|\015\012  clients.push("%s (%s)" % [c, c.tags.join(", ")])\015\012end\015\012puts "Clients: %s" % [clients.join(", ")]\015\012
subtle 0.8.1017 on :2.0\015\012Tags: default, float, full, editor, video, browser, terms\015\012Views: web (default, browser), [dev] (editor, terms), work (video, browser, terms)\015\012Clients: xterm (terms), xterm (terms)\015\012
\015\012\015\012More examples are in the tarball in dist/scripts. Currently there is the example from above (example.rb), an example for a web interface with Sinatra (web.rb) and an interface with Ruby-Gtk (gtk.rb).\015\012\015\012top